Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Scientific Method Scenario

Scenario:  About mid-way through the semester, in a class you are taking on campus, you become increasingly irritated by a student who sits in the back of the class. The student always manages to fall asleep about 15 minutes into the lecture. Normally it wouldn’t bother you, but occasionally he lets out a snore that breaks your attention and disrupts the class. The instructor has repeatedly asked the student to work harder to stay awake, but he is not having any success

1.Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that the student is going to sleep too late so therefore he is not getting enough sleep. So that is why he is falling asleep in the middle of lecture.

 A)  I would first go and sit next to the student and ask him what time he usually goes to bed. If the student says any time after 2am, then i would suggest that he should try and go to bed earlier. I will tell him each week to increase the time by a half hour. So, for example i would say week 1 try and go to bed by 1:30, then week 2: 1am, and so forth until he is at his desired sleep level.

B) If my thesis is correct, and he is actually sticking to that plan, he should be coming into class more energetic and will be able to stay up for the duration of the whole class meeting time.

C) If the student is still coming into class tired and is sleeping during class, then more data should be looked at. This could point to that he is either not following the plan, has a medical condition like insomnia, or just isn't drinking a caffeine substance in the morning.

3. Untestable Hypothesis: The student felt that this class was very comfortable and relaxing for him, so that is why he constantly fell asleep.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Bonus Opportunity

If i was stranded on a desert island, I would bring: a pool float and pre-mixed margaritas. If i am stuck on a desert island why not enjoy it? Don't have to go back to work or anything.